
Transparency & quality


Transparency report

In order to comply with legal requirements and also to provide the public with comprehensive information, MOORE CENTURION publishes an annual transparency report. This report must be prepared and published in accordance with §55 of the Auditor Oversight Act (APAG) and Art. 13 of Regulation (EU) No. 537/2014:

Quality assurance

As independent auditors of public interest companies, quality is one of our central values. To ensure quality in order processing, we have established a system that fulfils legal as well as national and international professional regulations and standards. In addition, we are subject to regular internal and external quality controls:

  • Annual internal review
  • Quality assurance review by the independent auditor oversight authority (December 2019; certificate valid until 05 December 2025)
  • Inspection by the Independent Auditor Oversight Authority (July 2021)

Terms and conditions

For your information, we provide our General Terms and Conditions of Contract in both German and English. Deviating valid order conditions may result from specific order agreements.
